Montana Forest Service Log Cabins: Big Creek

Bozeman Montana
> Livingston Cabins
> Big Creek Cabin

Big Creek Cabin

Big Creek Cabin is available all year for those who love the solitude and natural wonders of the forested lands around Livingston, Montana. You’ll enjoy that special taste of nature. Read More

  • Big Creek Cabin is open year round.
  • The cost is $50.00 per night.
  • The Cabin can accommodate 11 people.
  • Reservations can be made by calling or going to the Forest Service Office 406-222-1892: 5242 Hwy 89 South Livingston, MT.

The Big Creek Cabin is located in a flat clearing surrounded by Spruce & Fir trees with Big Creek flowing behind the cabin about 50 feet from the back porch. Big Creek Cabin is the largest cabin in this Forest Service District, a typical log structure 28 x 40 feet, having 5 rooms and 2 porches.

Big Creek Cabin is located Southwest of Livingston in the Paradise Valley.


  • To reach the Cabin, drive south from Livingston on Highway 89 for approximately 30 miles to the Big Creek road turn (sign for Mountain Sky Guest Ranch).
  • Turn right at the sign and Follow Big Creek Road for about 5 miles to the cabin.

Winter Access
In winter, the road is plowed to Mountain Sky Guest Ranch. Cross-country skis or snowshoes are required the last 1/2 mile to the cabin from the end of the plowed road. The road gate closes from 12/02 to 5/15 annually for protection of the road. This leaves a 1/2 mile distance From the gate to the cabin.

Reservations can be made by up to 3 days in advance by calling or going to the Forest Service Office 406-222-1892: 5242 Hwy 89 South Livingston, MT or Booking Online.


  • Season or Open Dates – open year round
  • Fee – Price is $50.00 per night and the cabin can be reserved from 1 to 5 nights.
  • Capacity - Capacity for this facility is 11 people.
  • Cabin Amenities - Inside the cabin are tables, chairs, beds w/mattresses, Propane lantern (bring fuel) & 2 wood burning stoves, one for heat & one for cooking. Additional items include broom & dust pan, mop & bucket, fire ring, and firewood, axe, & maul.

Nearby Activities & Attractions
For the outdoor recreationist, the area offers creek fishing, trails for hiking & riding horses, & wildlife sightings of bear, deer, elk & moose.

In winter, skiing or snowshoeing.

Across from the cabin is a corral available for use. Maximum number of stock in the corral is 6. Corral users are responsible for cleaning out the corral.

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