Hyalite Reservoir Montana Fishing, Camping, Boating

Bozeman Montana
> Lakes Rivers Falls
> Hyalite Reservoir

Hyalite Reservoir

The Hyalite Reservoir, located just out side of Bozeman, is a popular spot for both boaters and anglers.

  • Hyalite Reservoir is only 12 miles south of Bozeman.
  • Accessible year-round.
  • Chisholm and Hood Creek Campgrounds are located on the east shore of the lake.
  • This is a good spot for both boaters and fishermen.


Two hundred and six acre Hyalite Reservoir is an ideal location for fishing, camping, and water sports. Conveniently located just 12 miles south of Bozeman, it is a favorite recreation spot for locals and visitors alike.


Scenic Hyalite Reservoir is located about 12 miles south of Bozeman, Montana. Hyalite Reservoir is located 10.5 miles up Hyalite Canyon.

Contact Info.

Gallatin National Forest
PO Box 130
Bozeman Zip: 59771
Phone: 406-587-6701


Hyalite Reservoir is accessible year round. The road is regularly plowed to the Reservoir Parking area and occasionally plowed all the way to Grotto Falls Trailhead. See the winter recreation map.


The Hyalite Reservoir in Montana is a popular spot for both anglers and boaters. The fishing season runs from the spring through to the summer, providing plenty of opportunities for angling experiences for all levels. In fact, many fishing expeditions are combined with boating, which can be done from May onwards.

A ‘no wake' rule has been instituted, allowing only low speed motoring for trolling. The majority of boating involves tubers, canoeists, kayakers and small pleasure boaters. Chisholm and Hood Creek Campgrounds are located on the east shore of the lake offering family camping units, picnic sites, boat ramps, outhouses, and drinking water.